Dr. Leah and Dr. Troy LOVE working together to help families create greater health and wellness. Their humor, love, knowledge and support is felt throughout the office for every practice member that walks through our doors. Everyone at Vitalize Family Chiropractic is committed to seeing the next generation of children being raised healthier than the […]

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How do we know if our kids are healthy?

We all want our children to be healthy, happy and thrive everyday of their lives, but how do we know that this is happening? For most of us, we assume that since they are active, happy and free from symptoms that they are healthy. However, being free from symptoms is not necessarily a sign of […]

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Biting the bullet and changing my thoughts

I finally bit the bullet. I have decided to add running to my exercise routine. Many assume based on my body type that I probably do run or am involved in some high intensity workout program. That couldn’t be further from the truth! I have been doing Hot Yoga for several months now. It is […]

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